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17 tháng 5 năm 2024
Tham gia Phòng cầu nguyện 24-7 của Ngôi nhà Cầu nguyện Quốc tế!
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Tham gia Phòng cầu nguyện trực tuyến 24/7 của Gia đình toàn cầu tổ chức Cầu nguyện bão hòa trong thờ cúng
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Hướng dẫn Cầu nguyện Phong trào Mở mang Hội thánh đầy cảm hứng và đầy thử thách!
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Để biết thêm thông tin, tóm tắt và tài nguyên, hãy xem trang web của Operation World, nơi trang bị cho các tín hữu đáp lại lời kêu gọi của Chúa để dân Ngài cầu nguyện cho mọi quốc gia!
Biêt nhiêu hơn
“We cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:20 (NIV)

Homs, Syria

Homs is a city in Syria located 100 miles north of Damascus. As recently as 2005, it was a prosperous industrial center with the nation’s primary oil refineries.

Today it has largely been devastated by the ongoing civil war. Homs was the capital of the Syrian revolution, beginning with street protests starting in 2011. The government response was swift and brutal, and over the next years, street-to-street fighting in Homs destroyed the city.

The human cost of this war is frightening. 6.8 million people are displaced within Syria. More than six million children need emergency aid. Seven out of 10 people in Syria require some level of humanitarian aid to survive.

Prior to the war, Christians were 10% of the population. The largest denomination was Greek Orthodox. Currently, a small minority of Protestants is in the country.

Các cách cầu nguyện:

  • Pray that the orphans of this war, many living on the streets of Homs, will find aid and shelter.
  • Pray the words of Psalm 10: “Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless.”
  • Pray that the current cessation of active fighting can be negotiated into a peaceful settlement for the people of Homs.
  • Pray for the provision of basic necessities for the people of Syria.
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