110 Cities

Islam Guide 2024

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DAY 16 - March 25
Mashhad, Iran

Mashhad is a city of 3.6 million people in northeast Iran. As the second largest holy city in the world, Mashhad is a focus for religious pilgrimage for Muslims and was named as “Iran’s Spiritual Capital,” attracting more than 20 million tourists and pilgrims annually. Many of these come to pay homage to the shrine of Imam Reza, the eighth Shi’ite Imam.

Mashhad is also a center of religious study for the country, with 39 seminaries and numerous Islamic schools. The Ferdowsi University attracts students from several surrounding nations.

Like the rest of Iran, Muslims in Mashhad practice Shi’ism, putting them at odds with most of their Arab State neighbors. While much overlap exists between the two divisions of the faith, there are substantial differences in rituals and interpretation of Islami law.

While the Iranian constitution recognizes three religious minorities, including Christians, persecution is frequent. Visibly carrying a bible is punishable by death, and there are stern laws against printing or importing bibles in the Farsi language.


Prayer Emphasis

  • Pray for Iranian women who are protesting the oppression of the regime.
  • Pray that leaders of the underground Jesus movement in Iran would be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as they seek to share their faith.
  • Pray for the nomadic people living in the Zagros Mountains. Pray that Christian teams reaching out to them will find a receptive audience.
  • Pray that during this Ramadan season, pilgrims to Mashhad will see a revelation of the risen Jesus and the hope that is available through Him.
Thanks for praying with us –

See you tomorrow!

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