110 Cities
10 DAYS of Prayer
September 15 – 25, 2023

Contending to see His Kingdom grow until ALL have heard of the Glory of God.


Welcome to the 10 Days Prayer Guide!

10 Days is a tangible step of obedience toward the answer to Jesus’ prayer in John 17:21: “Let them be one as We [the Father and the Son] are one.”  This is about seeing Jesus receive the answer to His dying wish, for the John 17 unity of His followers.  “Jesus gets what He prays for!”

10 Days is a call to stop and rest in the presence of God.

It includes worship, prayer, fasting, and fellowship among believers with a focus on repentance, humility, praying for God’s promises, and mourning for our sins and the state of our world. 

10 Days is a call to take vacation time from what’s normal to us, to fast from ordinary life and daily distractions in order to see what’s normal in heaven happen here on earth.  (Rev Chapters 4-5)

It’s rooted in the 10 “Days of Awe” between the biblical Feasts of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement.  These feasts prophetically foreshadow the second coming.  Therefore, 10 Days is also a time of longing for the return of Jesus Christ. “

Will you join us as we draw together in His presence to contend for the united revival of the Church, for His Kingdom to grow and for all tribes and nations to hear of the Glory of God?!

We will pray from a theme of turning from the things of the world and turning towards Our King Jesus and His Kingdom. We will highlight one region of the world, a key 110 City for the region that is ripe for the harvest, and have a prayer for believers, the church, and the lost.

Pray that God thrusts forth more than enough laborers into the ripe harvest fields of the world for His glory! (Luke 10:2)

For the Glory of the Lamb!

Jonathan Fritz – 10 Days
Dr Jason Hubbard – International Prayer Connect

In partnership with:

‘May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations. 

Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you!’

Psalm 67: 1-2

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