110 Cities

Buddhist World
Prayer Guide

21 Days of Prayer
2023 Edition
Special Focus on China
Join Christians around the world in prayer for our Buddhist neighbors

Welcome to the Buddhist Prayer Guide!

We are calling Christians and churches worldwide to take 21 days, January 2- 22, to learn about and pray for our world’s Buddhist friends. With this guide we invite you to pray specifically that Jesus Christ will become known to the one billion people across the globe who are at least nominally Buddhist. We are encouraging believers to ask the Father to give his Son these Buddhist nations as his inheritance (Psalm 2:8). Let’s ask the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers (Matt 9:38) to key Buddhist cities as messengers of Hope, drenched with the Spirit of God, in the power of God for the mission of God!

Browse the Buddhist Prayer Guide

Each day, beginning January 2 – 22, 2023, you will learn something about Buddhist practice and influence in a different place including some specific prayer points for key Buddhist cities in countries with large Buddhist populations like China, Thailand, Japan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, and Laos. The last few pages of this guide include key Scriptures to use as we participate in ‘Bible-based’ Prayer!     

We want to encourage you to consider adding ‘fasting’ to your times of prayer. We know that the Buddhist peoples of these lands are in need of spiritual breakthrough. The discipline of fasting - abstaining from food for spiritual purposes - is a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare as we cry out for deliverance for our Buddhist friends.

A special focus for this year is the country of China. This guide culminates on January 22 - Chinese New Year. We profile eight of China’s largest cities, and a specific people group within each city to pray for.


Let’s pray for the salvation of the peoples of China.

Pray for the Lord to send Chinese believers as missionaries to the remaining unreached peoples.

Pray for unity amongst the churches and leaders of China.

And pray for Chinese families and children to be awakened to Christ for all that He is!

The name Buddha means ‘awakened one.’ Buddhist’s claim to be enlightened with divine revelation. Let’s pray on behalf of our Buddhist friends worldwide to experience a ‘Christ – awakening.’ May they awaken to Jesus Christ for all that He is by the Spirit of the Living God.  As the Apostle Paul shared,

“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” – 2 Cor. 4:6

This Buddhist World Prayer Guide is available in eight languages and distributed through more than 1000 prayer networks worldwide.

We hope you can join us and add your prayers with millions of Jesus followers around the world for a Global Christ-awakening amongst our Buddhist friends.  

May we win for the Lamb who was slain the due reward for his sufferings! 

Dr. Jason Hubbard – Director
International Prayer Connect

Browse the Buddhist Prayer Guide
The 110 Cities Project is a partnership of numerous worldwide prayer and mission organizations including:

Part of #cometothetable | www.cometothetable.world

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