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Who Is a Hindu?

About 15% of the world’s population identifies as Hindu. One is born a Hindu, and that is accepted by all families.

There are officially about 22 individual  languages, but unofficially, more than 120 languages are  spoken with many dialects.

Portions of the Bible are available in only half of these languages.

인도의 카스트 제도

3,000여년 전에 시작된 카스트 제도는 힌두교인을 다섯 가지 주요 범주로 나누며 현대 인도에서도 여전히 유효합니다. 카르마와 환생에 대한 힌두교의 믿음에 깊이 뿌리를 둔 이 사회 조직은 사람들이 어디에 살고, 누구와 교제하고, 심지어는 어떤 물을 마실 수 있는지까지 규정할 수 있습니다.
많은 사람들은 카스트 제도가 힌두교의 창조의 신인 브라흐마에서 유래했다고 믿습니다.

카스트는 브라흐마의 몸을 기반으로 합니다.

  • 브라민: 브라흐마의 눈과 마음. 브라만은 성직자나 교사인 경우가 많습니다.
  • 크샤트리아: 브라흐마의 팔. "전사" 계급인 크샤트리아는 일반적으로 군대나 정부에서 일합니다.
  • 바이샤(Vaishyas): 브라흐마의 다리. 바이샤는 일반적으로 농부, 상인, 상인의 지위를 차지합니다.
  • 수드라: 브라흐마의 발. 수드라는 종종 육체 노동으로 일합니다.
  • 달리트: “불가촉천민”. 달리트는 태어날 때부터 불순한 것으로 간주되며 더 높은 카스트 근처에 있을 자격도 없습니다.

카스트 제도는 주요 도시에서는 덜 널리 퍼져 있지만 여전히 존재합니다. 인도 시골 지역에서는 카스트가 매우 활발하게 존재하며 개인이 어떤 직업을 가질 수 있는지, 누구에게 말할 수 있는지, 어떤 인권을 가질 수 있는지를 결정합니다.

인도의 기독교 교회

The presence of Christianity in India dates back to ancient times, tracing its roots to the apostle  Thomas, who is believed to have arrived on the Malabar Coast in the first century AD. Over the  centuries, the Christian church in India has experienced a complex and diverse history, contributing to  the religious tapestry of the country.

After the arrival of Thomas, Christianity gradually spread along the west coast of India. The appearance  of European colonizers in the 15th century, including the Portuguese, Dutch, and British, further  influenced the growth of Christianity. Missionaries played a crucial role in establishing churches,  schools, and hospitals, impacting India’s social and educational landscape.

The church in India today represents roughly 2.3% of the population. It encompasses various  denominations, including Roman Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, and independent churches. Kerala,  Tamil Nadu, Goa, and the northeastern states have a significant Christian presence.

As is the case in many parts of the world, some may choose to follow Jesus but continue to identify  culturally as  Hindu.

Significant challenges to the growth of the church include occasional religious intolerance and  conversions being criticized as a threat to indigenous culture. The caste system has been difficult  to eradicate, and the current government has largely ignored a climate of prejudice and outright  oppression in parts of the country.


빛과 기쁨의 축제

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most celebrated festivals in Hindu culture. It  symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. This joyous occasion brings  together families, communities, and regions to honor ancient traditions, spread happiness, and  create a vibrant atmosphere of spiritual renewal.

For Hindus, Diwali carries profound spiritual and cultural significance. It represents the victory  of Lord Rama, the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu, over the demon king Ravana and the return of  Lord Rama to Ayodhya after a 14-year exile. The lighting of oil lamps called diyas and bursting  fireworks are symbolic gestures that ward off evil and invite prosperity, happiness, and good  fortune. Diwali also holds significance in other religious contexts, such as celebrating the  goddess Lakshmi, the Hindu deity of wealth and prosperity.

Diwali is a time of spiritual reflection, renewal, and joy for Hindu communities. It encapsulates  the values of triumph over darkness, good over evil, and the importance of familial and  community bonds. This celebration of light and happiness brings people closer, inspiring them  to spread love, peace, and prosperity throughout the year.

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