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Giorno 19
8 febbraio 2024
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Vientiane, Laos

Com'è lì...

Vientiane is laid-back and full of temples. People there are relaxed, enjoy sticky rice, and love their beautiful Mekong River.

Cosa piace fare ai bambini...

Kham and Lai enjoy fishing and swimming in the Mekong River.

Tema di oggi: Compassion

I pensieri di Justin
COMPASSION whispers in our ears, reminding us that every person carries a story, a burden we may never fully understand. It's a hand extended in kindness, a simple gesture that says, 'You're not alone in this journey.'

Le nostre preghiere per

Vientiane, Laos

  • Pray for people in Laos to believe in God instead of Buddhism.
  • Ask God to help believers share their faith bravely, even when watched.
  • Pray for church leaders facing tough times to stay strong and kind.
Pray for the 9 groups of people who don't know Jesus
Chiedi a Dio per chi o cosa vuole che tu preghi oggi e prega mentre ti guida!

Il verso di oggi...

"Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." - Colossians 3:12


Show compassion to someone who is upset or hurting.
Grazie per aver pregato con noi –

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