110 Cities
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Día 16
5 de febrero de 2024
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Taiyuán, China

Cómo es allí...

Taiyuan is known for its history and old temples. It's quieter than big cities, and people enjoy noodles and peaceful parks.

Lo que les gusta hacer a los niños...

Jie and Yan discover old temples and enjoy local noodle dishes.

El tema de hoy: Miracle

Los pensamientos de Justin
Within every challenge lies a hidden MIRACLE, waiting to be unveiled. With faith, even the smallest stone can reveal God's mighty work.

Nuestras oraciones por

Taiyuán, China

  • Pray for courage for people in Taiyuan who believe in Jesus.
  • Ask God to let people meet more and talk freely online.
  • Pray for church leaders in Taiyuan to stay strong during hard times.
Pray for the 1 groups of people who don't know Jesus
¡Pregúntale a Dios por quién o por qué quiere que ores hoy y ora mientras Él te guía!

El versículo de hoy...

"All things are possible with God." - Mark 10:27

¡Vamos a hacerlo!...

Pray for a miracle in a difficult situation today.
Gracias por orar con nosotros –

¡Nos vemos mañana!

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