110 Cities
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11 мая 2024 г.
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«Ночь уже прошла, день близок. Итак, отвергнем дела тьмы и облечемся в доспехи света». Римлянам 13:12б (KJV)

Амман, Иордания

Amman is a city of contrasts. As the capital of Jordan, it is one of the oldest cities in existence and shelters the world’s oldest statues, the Ain Ghazai statues dating to 7500 BC. At the same time, Amman is a modern city that is the nation’s political, cultural, and economic center.

Though a young state, the nation of Jordan occupies an ancient land that bears the traces of many civilizations. Separated from ancient Palestine by the Jordan River, the region played a prominent role in biblical history, and the ancient biblical kingdoms of Moab, Gilead, and Edom lie within its borders.

Amman, the “royal city” of the Ammonites, was probably the acropolis atop the plateau that King David’s General Joab took. The Ammonite city was reduced under King David’s lordship and rebuilt over centuries into today’s contemporary city.

Spiritually, a new paradigm is needed, one in which the Son of David will illuminate the nation of Jordan with the true light of God.

Способы молиться:

  • Pray boldness and courage over the underground house churches as they send teams to the 31 languages spoken in this city, especially to the Egyptian Arabs, Saidi Arabs, and Libyan Arabs.
  • Pray for unity among the church and boldness for Christians from traditional and Orthodox backgrounds in sharing the good news.
  • Молитесь, чтобы Царство Божье проникло в университеты, кофейни, дома и фабрики.
  • Pray for the 24/7 prayer rooms in this city.
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