110 Cities
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ZIUA 10 - 7 NOIV 2023

Împărtășirea curajului: a rămâne ferm în Isus

Praying for the City of Mathura - especially the Jat People

Cum e acolo...

Mathura is the birthplace of Lord Krishna, and you can see colorful Holi festivals and enjoy sweet milk treats.

Ce le place copiilor să facă...

Krishna enjoys dressing up as Lord Krishna during festivals, and Radha loves singing devotional songs.

Our Prayers for Mathura

Tată ceresc...

we pray for the prayer walks taking place in three cities today, including Mathura. Pour Your Spirit on the Christians who are there praying on behalf of the people.

Domnul Isus...

You love the people of Mathura in the state of Uttar Pradesh. They believe that Lord Krishna, born in this city will protect the earth from evil and powerful King Kansa. May they know that You, Jesus, have come to break the power of Satan and they can be freed from all evil.

Spirit Sfant...

May the cities in which the Christians prayer walk see revival, healings, signs and wonders! May ALL the people in this city of Mathura come to know You as Lord.

A Special Prayer for the Jat People

May the Jat people find the light of Jesus, experience His love, and accept Him as their Savior.

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