110 Cities
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dia 01
21 de janeiro de 2024
Orando por

Bangkok, Tailândia

Como é lá...

Bangkok is like a huge, busy, colorful playground. People there are friendly, and they love spicy food and beautiful temples.

O que as crianças gostam de fazer...

Arun and Mali love exploring Bangkok's bustling street markets.

Tema de hoje: Hope

Os pensamentos de Justin
In life, HOPE is like a thread that joins our days linking times of uncertainty to moments of kindness. It's a soft voice in our hearts that says, "with God, all things are possible"

Nossas orações por

Bangkok, Tailândia

  • Thank God for Thailand's leaders wanting to share God's love in every village.
  • Pray for their plans to pray together and train local leaders.
  • Ask God to help churches grow and keep Thailand's religious freedom.
Pray for the 21 groups of people who don't know Jesus
Pergunte a Deus por quem ou pelo que Ele quer que você ore hoje e ore conforme Ele o guiar!

Versículo de hoje...

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy." - Romans 15:13

Vamos fazê-lo!...

Write down your hopes and pray for them daily.
Obrigado por orar conosco -

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