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ورځ 8 - 5 نومبر 2023

د سولې شریکول: په عیسی کې راحت موندل

Praying for the City of Amritsar - especially the Punjabi People

هلته څه حال دی...

Amritsar is famous for the Golden Temple, a shiny place of worship, and the tasty langar food served there.

ماشومان څه کول خوښوي...

Jai loves playing the dhol and participating in Bhangra dance, while Simran enjoys visiting the Golden Temple.

لپاره زموږ دعاګانې امرتسر

آسمانی پلار...

You are Lord over Heaven and earth. We pray that the people in the city of Amritsar will encounter You and become Your followers. Give courage to the Jesus-followers there to share their faith in You whenever they get the chance. May it become a city of believers, faithful to You!

رب عیسی ...

may the Sikh people who prays at their famous Golden Temple discover Your love and find their true identity in You.

پاک روح...

thank You for the love of the people in Amritsar known for sharing food with others. May they discover You as they show love and kindness to everyone they meet. Love comes from You. May they be open to Your love.

A Special Prayer for the Punjabi People

We pray for the Punjabi Jat (Sikhs) to be open to the love of Jesus. May there be Christians willing to share the gospel with them.

له موږ سره د دعا کولو لپاره مننه -

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