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DAY 03
2024년 5월 12일
International House of Prayer 24-7 기도실에 가입하세요!
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예배로 충만한 기도를 주최하는 글로벌 패밀리 온라인 24/7 기도실에 가입하세요
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사이트 방문
영감을 주고 도전적인 교회 개척 운동 기도 안내서!
팟캐스트 | 기도 자료 | 일일 브리핑
더 많은 정보, 브리핑 및 자료는 신자들이 모든 나라를 위해 기도하라는 하나님의 부르심에 응답하도록 준비시키는 Operation World의 웹사이트를 참조하십시오!
더 알고
“And whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house.’ And if a man of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him; but if not, it will return to you.” Luke 10:5 (NASB)

테헤란, 이란

In contrast to most of the Muslim world, Iran is a Shia country. Shia Muslims account for 15% of the world’s followers of Islam.

The combination of years of economic sanctions, as well as the current social fallout precipitated by the death of Mahsa Amini at the hands of the Morality Police, has made Tehran a cauldron of unrest. This is creating opportunities for sharing the gospel message of hope.

Because some of their leaders have faced violent, martyrs’ deaths, Shias understand that a righteous man can be killed by the unrighteous. For this reason, Christ’s death on a Roman cross is not as foreign to them as it is to Sunnis.

These are just a few of the many factors that are contributing to Iran hosting the fastest growing Jesus-following church in the world. Pray that Iranians’ desires for greatness, prosperity, freedom, and even for righteousness might ultimately be met through worship of Jesus.

기도하는 방법:

  • 정부, 기업, 교육, 예술 분야의 신자들이 복음에 영향을 미치도록 기도하십시오.
  • Pray for the awakening and strengthening of believers who have been in hiding and for them to have boldness in sharing their faith.
  • 하나님의 나라가 표적과 기사와 능력으로 임하고 이란 31개 지역에 전도, 제자양육, 교회 개척이 배가되도록 기도해 주십시오.
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