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24 Januari

Diaspora Buddhis

When a foreigner lives with you in your land, don’t take advantage of him. Treat the foreigner the same as a native. Love him like one of your own. Remember that you were once foreigners in Egypt. I am GOD, your God.
Leviticus 19:33-34 (MSG)

Unduh Panduan Doa 21 Hari Buddhis Sedunia dalam 10 Bahasa.Baca dalam 33 Bahasa menggunakan widget di bagian bawah setiap halaman!

Unduh sekarang

Banyak penganut agama Buddha hidup dalam kemiskinan. Anak-anak dijual untuk membayar hutang, alkoholisme adalah masalah umum, dan hidup adalah upaya terus-menerus untuk 'berbuat baik'.

When an opportunity arises to go to another country for work or education, young Buddhists grab ahold of it. Some can relocate with the help of a relative who has gone before them. Many young women will marry foreign nationals and go to their country.

Often, however, Buddhists get to their new location and find it very difficult to assimilate into the new culture. Language and customs are so different, and they are frequently ignored or sometimes discriminated against.

Buddhist temples may provide some familiar customs, but the monks can do little to relieve the loneliness and frustration.

Banyak dari orang-orang ini bersedia membahas hal-hal rohani jika saja ada yang mau meluangkan waktu.

Bagaimana Anda bisa terhubung dengan umat Buddha di kota Anda untuk menceritakan kisah Yesus Anda dan pesan Injil?

Cara Berdoa:
  • Berdoalah agar para pengikut Yesus Barat secara aktif mencari umat Buddha di tengah-tengah mereka dan memperkenalkan Raja Damai.
  • Pray that Buddhist background believers living abroad will become disciples and tell their families back home, so they also can become disciples.
Buddhist temples may provide some familiar customs, but the monks can do little to relieve the loneliness and frustration.
[remah roti]
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