110 Cities
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Hari 02
22 Januari 2024
Berdoa untuk

Beijing, Cina

Seperti apa disana...

Beijing is like a giant outdoor museum. It has old buildings called palaces and lots of parks. People enjoy eating noodles and dumplings.

Apa yang disukai anak-anak...

Jun and Ling enjoy flying kites in Beijing's large parks.

Tema hari ini: Victory

pikiran Justin
In the gentle embrace of God's love, we find true VICTORY. It's not in the battles we win, but in the quiet assurance that he has already won them for us.

Doa Kami untuk

Beijing, Cina

  • Ask God for 50 new churches in Beijing that love and follow Jesus.
  • Pray for a Bible in Chinese sign language and Jinyu language.
  • Pray for families moving to cities for better lives to find help and hope.
Berdoalah untuk 5 kelompok orang yang belum mengenal Yesus
Tanyakan kepada Tuhan siapa atau apa yang Dia ingin Anda doakan hari ini dan berdoalah saat Dia memimpin Anda!

Ayat hari ini...

"Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory." - 1 Corinthians 15:57

Ayo lakukan!...

Celebrate small wins today and thank God for them.
Terima kasih telah berdoa bersama kami –

Sampai jumpa besok!

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