110 Cities
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Päivä 17
6. helmikuuta 2024
Rukoilemalla puolesta

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Millaista siellä on...

This city is surrounded by vast grasslands and nomads (people who move from place to place). It's very cold, and people love horse riding.

Mitä lapset tykkäävät tehdä...

Bat and Oyun ride horses across Mongolia's vast, beautiful steppes.

Päivän teema: Favor

Justinin ajatuksia
FAVOR is like a gentle breeze that whispers God's love into our hearts. It's a reminder that in his eyes, we are cherished and never alone.

Rukouksemme puolesta

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

  • Pray for smart and kind leaders for churches in Ulaanbaatar.
  • Ask God to help people saving girls from danger on the streets.
  • Pray for men to be good in their families, community, and church.
Pray for the 6 groups of people who don't know Jesus
Kysy Jumalalta, kenen tai minkä puolesta Hän haluaa sinun rukoilevan tänään ja rukoile hänen johdatessaan!

Tämän päivän runo...

"For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor." - Psalm 5:12

Tehdään se!...

Ask God to show His favor in your activities today.
Kiitos, että rukoilet kanssamme -

Nähdään huomenna!

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