110 Cities
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TAG 01
10. Mai 2024
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„Die Nacht ist vorüber, der Tag ist nahe. Deshalb lasst uns die Werke der Finsternis ablegen und die Rüstung des Lichts anlegen.“ Römer 13:12b (King James Version)

Kairo, Ägypten

Cairo, which in Arabic translates as “The Victorious,” is the capital of Egypt and the most populated metropolitan area in Africa. Cairo is a sprawling, ancient city that lies along the banks of the Nile and is home to many world heritage sites, historic figures, peoples, and languages.

Cairo is associated with ancient Egypt, as the Giza pyramid complex and the ancient cities of Memphis and Heliopolis are in its geographical area.
Roughly 10% of all Egyptians identify as Coptic Orthodox

Christian, the primary religion in Cairo prior to the advent of Islam. Religious intolerance from the Muslim majority has limited the growth of this or any other type of Christianity in the city.

An area of spiritual opportunity is the nearly one million orphaned children roaming the streets of Cairo resorting to begging or petty theft to survive. These challenges provide an incredible opportunity for the network of Jesus followers in the victorious city to adopt a generation that can transform the nation of Egypt.

Möglichkeiten zu beten:

  • Pray for the spread of the gospel and for multiplying house churches among the Palestinian Arab, Najdi Arab, and North Iraqi Arab people.
  • Pray for the advancement of God’s Kingdom throughout the 17 languages of this city.
  • Beten Sie für eine Auferstehung von Gottes göttlichem Vorsatz für diese Stadt.
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