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Tag 11
31. Januar 2024
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Wie es dort ist...

India is like a rainbow of cultures, languages, and festivals. It's very diverse and colorful, and people love their spicy food and cricket.

Was Kinder gerne machen...

Arjun and Priya play cricket and dance to Bollywood music.

Das heutige Thema: Holy

Justins Gedanken
HOLY is not just a word, it's a way of living. When we embrace the holy, we find peace in the simplest moments, and strength in our daily challenges.

Unsere Gebete für


  • Pray for all people in India, including Dalits, to feel loved by Jesus.
  • Ask God to give strength to church leaders facing tough times.
  • Pray for good training for pastors and teachers to share God's word.
Beten Sie für die vielen Gruppen von Menschen, die Jesus nicht kennen
Fragen Sie Gott, für wen oder was Sie heute beten sollen, und beten Sie so, wie er Sie führt!

Der heutige Vers...

"Be holy, because I am holy." - 1 Peter 1:16

Lass es uns tun!...

Spend time in prayer, seeking to be more like God.
Danke, dass Sie mit uns beten –

Bis morgen!

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