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اليوم 9 - 6 نوفمبر 2023

تقاسم الكرم: العطاء كما أعطى يسوع

Praying for the City of Prayagraj - especially the Hindi Nai People

ما يشبه هناك...

Prayagraj is where the holy Ganges, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers meet, and it hosts the Kumbh Mela festival.

ماذا يحب الأطفال أن يفعلوا...

Vivaan enjoys playing Kabaddi, and Pooja loves participating in religious ceremonies along the Ganges.

صلواتنا من أجل براياجراج

الآب السماوي...

together with all the other millions of Jesus-followers praying, we lift the city of Prayagraj to You, today! We ask for Your power to be demonstrated over this city, bringing all the people in this city to faith in You.

الرب يسوع...

May the millions who visit this city know the truth - that You love them and have paid the price for their sins.

الروح القدس...

let Your love flow that people will treat each other with kindness and respect. May more hearts be open to Your message of love. We thank you for India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, born in Prayagraj. Please bless the children in this city to grow up to be healthy and wise leaders. Guide them to know You and follow You.

A Special Prayer for the Hindi Nai People

We pray for the Hindi Nai people who are 99.9% Hindus. May Indian Christians be willing to share the love of Jesus with them.

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